Sitewide Rules
Basic Etiquette
Do not threaten, bully or harass other users on this platform.
Have civil discussions. Report instead of confrontation.
Do not incite violence or promote hate based on but not limited to religion, region, gender, caste, identity, etc.
Do not use controversial or offensive usernames and profile pictures on this platform.
Feed Content
Do not post low-effort content on this platform.
Keep topics of relevant content in their specific zones.
Do not post irrelevant content related to but not limited to Politics, Religion, Doom Posting, etc.
Do not spam.
Respect Privacy
Do not disclose or threaten to disclose confidential or personal information of other humans or companies.
Do not solicit or send personal messages to other users without their consent.
Do not impersonate an individual or a company in a deceptive manner.
Offensive Content
Do not use abusive language, name-calling or slurs on the platform which can be offensive to others.
Do not post, seek or distribute anything related to nudity, porn, sexually explicit content, gore, death or anything NSFW (Not Safe For Work).
Do not post or seek any illegal content related to but not limited to minors, piracy, hacking, etc.
Do not use this platform for blatant self-promotions.
Do not use this platform for buying and selling of products or services.
Do not seek donations or crowd-funding.
Do not try to break or harm the website.